What are your favorite ways to burn fat?

I am an avid exerciser, I workout at least 5x a week and recently whenever I want to cut some fat from my body composition, I choose to cut alcohol and add more exercise to my plate in an attempt to get me to my goal. I loooovvveeee to eat so I’d much rather add more workouts into my plan versus taking away my ability to eat whenever I am hungry.


In the past I used to go on an intense diet plan to help me cut lbs (whole30, bullet proof, paleo, raw vegan, ect.). I believe the pairing of diet and exercise is the most direct way to reaching any exercise goals, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to make a serious shift in body composition.


Even though I know that to be true, I’ve been on my fitness journey for over a decade and I know where I’m at mentally right now. And in this mental spot, I need food flexibility to meet the demands of rehearsals and thus leaving one variable left to get to my goals, calories burned/exercise. In order to get to where I want to go, right now my workout schedule looks like this.



6:30am 30 min dog walk

10am Steam Class

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6:30pm 4hr rehearsal



6:30am 30 min dog walk

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6pm 45minute Yoga



6:30am 30 min dog walk

10am Steam Class

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6:30pm 4hr rehearsal



6:30am 30 min dog walk

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6pm 45minute Yoga



6:30am 30 min dog walk

10am Steam Class

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6:30pm 4hr rehearsal



7:30am 30 min dog walk

10am Steam Class

12pm 1hr 30min Soccer Class

7pm 30 minute dog walk


8:30am 30 min dog walk

4pm 30 minute dog walk

6:30pm 4hr rehearsal


In short, I’m doing a whole lot of movement right now to help me cut some lbs. I’m also eating a whole mess of Thai food so don’t feel bad for me. By cutting out alcohol and moving my butt, I should be in tip top shape in three weeks. Hope that helps you on your journey to cut come lbs and inspires you to put on your workout shoes and get moving.





What’s my weekly routine?


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