Me: Did you know?!?!?!
Everyone in the world: What?
Me: We just soft launched our very own membership portal so you and all your friends can enjoy R+D Fitness workouts whenever and wherever you are!
Everyone in the world: Wahoo!
Ok so what does this new site mean?
Everything that we are doing is now accessible from one platform. Over 100 hours of R+D Fitness videos at your demand. We have categorized our video making it easier to find a workout that best suits what your body needs. We are also creating new content just for our website to make our experience friendly for beginners.
How do we get access to the videos?
All you need to do is head over to and select GET STARTED on the main page. From there you can make your selection to either STEAM of STEAM TEAM. STEAM gives you access to the library of videos and STEAM TEAM reserves you a seat in class.
What is different about what you offer?
What makes our STEAM novel is the ability to follow along with an ongoing live class series and get an ongoing full body exercise experience. This isn’t a course, it’s a lifestyle shift made for long and lasting change at the low cost of $9.99 per month. That’s 1/10 of the cost of most gyms, and that means 9/10’s get to go back into your wallet while you create the body and lifestyle you have always dreamed of.
Are there any promotions?
To celebrate our launch we are offering STEAM free for one month. Get on over to and check it out for yourself!