How can the R+D community help you grow?

It’s growth season over here fam (but really, when is it not? Am I right?). We’ve been working behind the scenes at making a beautiful new website for you to make it easier for you to find the perfect workout whenever you want. We absolutely cannot wait to share it with y’all. We are so freaking pumped.


Our mission is to change 1 million lives with our work (gasp) and to do that we need your help.  Fitness is a personal journey. Selecting a certain fitness trainer or exercise group to join is terrifying but the pain is often soothed by referrals and reviews. This is where you come in. We need your reviews about our work on YELP.


Yelp is a great page to find out what your community thinks about a certain service and I know your review of our online work can help a tentative onlooker take a leap. If you have touched our work in any way, your review of our work ethic and energy would take us one step closer to making this world a healthier place one squat at a time.


So I’m calling all my past and present STEAMERS, if you have moved by our work in any way, I’d love to hear about it on YELP. I look forward to reading what you have to say!





What should I do for movement if I get sick or injured and need a few weeks to recover?