What am I grateful for?
I’ve got a gratitude practice which I don’t always follow and I meditate every day, other than the days when I don’t. I’m ok with not being perfect in the ways that I practice gratitude and my life in general. I’m doing my best. I believe that.
Right now, I’m deeply grateful for my relationship with myself. I’m working hard daily to be someone I love and respect. Things have been challenging over this past year for the world, and I was not excluded. My career was derailed. My primary relationships up-ended. Many friendships remolded. These past two years have been the coldest “winter” I can imagine yet I can say proudly that I respect and love the man that I have become through all the challenges.
As I reflect on gratitude, I am reminded how grateful I am for the challenges. The muddy roads in my life have proven to lead to the best versions of myself. I never imagined a world where I would be running an online fitness platform and yet here we are, and I’m so grateful for every moment. It has been a beautiful, soul expanding challenge. Sometimes It’s hard for me to remember that things are always going to be brighter during the down turns in life; but I know things always work themselves out and that’s what I love about exercise.
Exercise is life training for me. I love how challenging a workout can be and how marvelous I feel when everything comes to a close. When I come through the other end and I have that post workout feeling of, ”Heck yea! I did that!” It’s all worth it. Just like the challenges in life. They are always worth it. Comfortable? No. Fruitful? Always!
It’s winter, literally and figuratively. May the challenges that come up for you push you to be your best self. I’m so proud of you for sticking it out, and taking the time to work on yourself. The obstacle is the way my friends! May you sow the seeds this winter for the harvest next fall.
With passion,