Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays Family! The holidays always bring a wave of emotions for me, and right now my prominent emotion is gratitude. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for all your love and support. This community exists to inspire health and persists because of your support.


First off, some holiday housekeeping! We are closed on Christmas day and New Years day. Rest up kids! There will be a live STEAM workout on the morning December 24th ( Whoot whoot). Then Uncle Ray is taking some time off, from the 27th – 1st. I’ll be back on the 3rd for some fun in the indoor sun. Workouts on the 27th, 29th, and 31st have been pre-recorded and will be replayed through our class zoom link thanks to our marvelous TA Debbie and later posted to the Patreon page. Thank you Debbie!


So, I bet you are wondering, “Where are you going to be if you aren’t in class Ray?” Great question!


I was scheduled to be in London, but due to the rise in COVID cases in London my trip has sadly been canceled. Plot twist, I’ll be in Mexico instead with Dafne’s family for the time instead. Don’t feel bad for me, I’m going to take a personal week and enjoy many drinks by the pool. I’ll be calling in on the 3rd from Mexico most likely with a huge smile on my face and a few extra pounds.


Just because I’m taking time off from STEAM doesn’t mean I’m going to be in complete rest mode. I’m looking forward to staying active! I’m excited to play soccer with the family, swim and walk Olivia to the point of exhaustion. Or maybe she’s going to be walking me to exhaustion, perspective I guess. Either way, I’m going to be moving a lot because I LOVE to move. I love the way I feel after exercise and I love to eat, so it all works out.


Enjoy this break y’all. You have worked hard for it. You have challenged yourself in a way that you never thought was possible and are stronger than ever before. I’m so proud of you! See you in class! 


With passion,



What are your 2022 goals?


What am I grateful for?